Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Leaving a Legacy

My grandmother and mother
While driving to work one morning I observed children waiting outside for the bus along with mothers chaperoning by their side. Memories began flooding my mind as I drove past house after house with a similar image. I remembered the times my own mother would stand outside with my brothers and I and say a quick prayer with us before we ran for the bus. Those memories quickly transitioned to times when I observed my mom being a mother to the motherless. Throughout years of my childhood my parents welcomed a number of different kids into our home to find refuge, love and protection. While their stays may not have lasted long, I grew to respect my parents affection and correction they offered to any who accept it.

My family did not have the nicest things or home, but they did acquire and gave away things of far more, respect, integrity, character, responsibility, safety.

As I age and gain new experiences in life and am exposed to more, my gratefulness is increase for the blessings God has bestowed upon me with my family.

I also remembered my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party about two years ago. My grandma and grandpa were surprised when they walked into a building and found all their friends and family! Soon after, they were given the microphone to express their thanks. My grandma began speaking so naturally, praising Jesus with her mouth. But what astonished me most, was when given the opportunity, my grandma seized it and began encouraging all in the room (there were about 100 people) to accept Jesus as their savior!
I watched her with tears in my eyes as pride weld up within me! Wow, that was my grandma preaching from the microphone at her own surprise party!!!

No family is perfect, and unfortunately many cannot say that they come from a legacy of righteous men and woman of God. But I want to encourage all my readers, whether you are continuing a legacy of godliness or choosing to be the change that is needed in your family, always keep in mind, everyday we leave a mark somewhere or on someone, it's the choices we make everyday that direct our paths and little by little make us who we are. choose today to leave a legacy to those who will one day follow.

My family, years ago, vacationing in Virginia

My Father and I at my graduation

Me and my most favorite person, mom

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